Scientific manager of antibody-core facility at Inflammation research, Department of Molecular Medicine, SDU (AC-TAP) (full-time)

Syddansk Universitet

Dato: for 1 uge siden
By: Odense
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

The Unit of Inflammation Research, Department of Molecular Medicine, invites applications for a full-time position as scientific manager (academic staff member or special consultant).

Research profile and tasks  

The position will be placed in the field of inflammation research, where we conduct research within immunology, focusing on both innate and adaptive immunity.
Specifically for this position, it will be associated with a newly established core facility focused on antibody development and characterization, which has just been funded through a major grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The successful candidate will therefore help build the core facility, implementing novel technologies and instruments as well as establishing core workflows. The main focus of the facility will be to generate new monoclonal antibodies either using hybridoma technology or from patient material, including advising on immunization strategy and antigen design. Additionally, the core will be active in antibody engineering, production, and characterization.

In addition to working in the core facility, we expect you to participate actively in the work of the research group of Associate Professors Yaseelan Palarasah and Jonas Heilskov Graversen. The position also involves some laboratory supervision of students, PhDs and post docs, communication with collaborators, as well as various administrative and minor organizational tasks.


The successful candidate must hold a M.Sc. and preferably also a PhD in biology, molecular biology, chemistry, pharmacology, biomedicine or related field.
We are looking for a person with experience in antibody generation and characterization, with an interest in developing and establishing new instruments and methods in the field. We expect you to have experience with several of the following areas: hybridoma technology, antibody screening, biosensor technologies for characterizing protein-protein interactions, protein purification, ELISA, and flow cytometry, as well as cells culture and recombinant protein expression and purification.

For additional information regarding the position contact Associate Professor Jonas Heilskov Graversen, 21733311, [email protected] or Associate Professor Yaseelan Palarasah, 50840993, [email protected]

Please note: This position is related to the job position Scientific specialist

Application deadline: 28 November 2024.

Employment will be in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (Akademikerne). Interviews will be held immediately after the application deadline expires.

Please send the application via the university website Vacant positions

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